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Chris Adriaansz

Chris Adriaansz

Chris Adriaansz


Chris specialises in administrative (enforcement) law. He has extensive experience in the areas of licensing, regulatory, and supervision and enforcement. He also has a special focus on post-merger and acquisition notifications and AML- and CFT-related matters. Chris writes legal opinions for clients and conducts various proceedings in civil and administrative law.

About Chris Adriaansz

Chris holds a bachelor’s degree in European law and a master’s degree (cum laude) in public and administrative law. His thesis on the use of algorithms by administrative bodies won two thesis awards. He has also published articles in various professional journals.

Chris has the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):

– General Legal Practice,

– Administrative law: European law, Administrative procedural law, Administrative enforcement law

Based on this registration, he is required to obtain ten training points per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.


Gaming Law and Practice in Netherlands, 2024, Author Chris Adriaansz: "Chambers Global Practice Guide"
Betekenisvolle transparantie voor algoritmische besluitvorming, 2020, Author Chris Adriaansz: "Computerrecht 2020/43"
De rechtmatigheid van algoritmische besluitvorming in het licht van het zorgvuldigheidsbeginsel en het motiveringsbeginsel, 2020, Author Chris Adriaansz: "NTB 2020/100"
Algoritmes en besluiten: De bestuursrechtelijke inbedding van algoritmische besluitvorming, 2020, Author Chris Adriaansz: "Celsus Uitgeverij"